Saturday, May 28, 2011


When I started blogging, it was an obedience issue for me. Isn't it true that obedience brings blessing? I have found such joy in the obedience of blogging. I'm sure you understand what it is to find joy in being obedient to whatever it is that God has asked you to do.

When we're on the path to obedience, it is SO easy to get distracted. There are many things around us, even good things, that can confuse and call to us. Proverbs 4 speaks to "swervers" like me:

26Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.
27Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.

Sometimes God uses His Word, the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit (lack of peace), and the exhortation of godly friends to turn our hearts and eyes and attention back to the path He wants for us. When I'm feeling "conflicted," I know I've swerved.

Last week I saw the voting for the Top 25 Faith Blogs promoted by a dear blogging friend. The list includes some of my like-hearted blogging gal pals.  I was on the list for a few days, and even some of you added your vote for Come Have a Peace to be included. Thank you for your support and encouragement.  I appreciate your help, and I know God can use the open doors created for some of the great faith blogs who will be on the list of the Top 25.  For me, however, I was conflicted.  For many reasons, I was conflicted. I was swerving. 

So the Holy Spirit has turned my "foot" back to His path for me, and I have withdrawn Come Have a Peace from the list of voting for the Top 25 Faith Blogs by Moms. (I have modified last week's blogs and pulled all the info about the list OFF of my blog site.)   Being on the path God called me to feels so good. Woohoo!  Freedom, burden lifted, celebration, PEACE.  Can you relate?

Thanks for your support by not voting for me :)   I'm still a "faith blog," but I'm only on God's list. 

Hey, would you pray for me this weekend? I've been so full in sharing about my amazing journey back to Asia (more to come ... check out Marriage Mondays next week) that I have forgotten to tell you that I leave Monday morning for Paraguay!  I am thrilled to be traveling with my best friend and love, Jeff, and we will be going as ministers of TLC and learners to visit a missionary family getting established on their field. Pictures and details will follow. Please pray for:
  • Safety as Jeff and I travel to South America Monday (with lots of good catch up time 4us after Asia)
  • Energy for me as I'm bouncing back well from Asia
  • Safety and joy for our children as we both leave them this time
  • My parents as they come to care for our kiddos (Mom coming with concerns about her own mom experiencing some health needs and challenges)
  • A deep well of encouragement to pour out on our missionary partners

Praying you experience much joy this weekend as you stay on the path God has put you on!


  1. What a beautiful post. I have been reading your blog for a while and wanted to encourage you as you continue to walk in obedience. I too withdrew from the Top Faith Blogs contest, as I felt it was a necessary step to take. I will pray for you as you travel. Shirley from A Mom After God's Own Heart http://therempels4.blogspot. com

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, prayers, and support, Shirley.  Blessings to you, Julie

    Julie Sanders

  3. I understand exactly why you pulled out of that contest.  When I saw your blog was missing from the list I knew why. 

    You have become quite the globe trotter.   You all are in my prayers.


  4. Thanks for your prayers, Pam. We've spent the day with the Whitman family, and it's been such a sweet day with them. We're their first visitors from the US! :)

    Julie Sanders


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