Monday, May 23, 2011

Marriage Mondays ~ More than Happy?

God’s divine design for blending a man and woman into one crosses all cultures. Spending time with friends in Christ from other nations provides a new view into what it looks like to live and love and serve as one. Oneness in marriage is meant to do so much more than make two people happy.

While serving with our sweet partners in Asia last week, I watched a man and woman live and love and serve as one. From a hill tribes origin and married when she was only 16, this couple lives life as partners. Having spent many of her childhood years in an orphanage when her surviving parent could no longer care for her, our sister had a dream for rescuing other children. Her husband said that when he saw the children and learned their stories as they began to salvage children from forms of poverty and slavery, his wife’s dream became “their dream.” Today they shelter 44 children who call them “Mom” and “Dad.” Their days would wear out most of us, but God has enlarged their hearts and multiplied their energy to nurture children who would otherwise be malnourished in every way. 

In addition to parenting 44 children and their own 4 sons, this couple nurtures ministry leaders around their region. “His” dream is to reach their people group with the Light, to multiply the Gospel. She has embraced his dream as “theirs.” When we went to serve in a tribal village by painting the recent church building, we had the chance to see our partner couple in action there, also. He spent the day mentoring the men of the village church, working with the leaders and lovingly shepherding them through challenges. She spent the day mentoring the women of the village as she cooked and served and laughed and talked with them, her sisters in Christ. Each spouse was living the Light of Christ to the people of their own tribe, using their own gifts, doing better together what would be harder alone.

As “one” they nurture children and adults across a region, taking Light into places and hearts that have long been dark. The miracle of two becoming one does so much more than make two people happy; when they are one for the glory and purposes of God, their oneness is truly a thing of beauty. 

I returned home to the US last night. If my family wasn’t here, I might’ve stayed in Asia …. ;) It was so very sweet to be greeted by my own husband, to enjoy being close to him, to share the overflow of my heart with the one who knows me best, to see his eyes and have him understand me. I can breathe deep when I’m with him. I pray our oneness does so much more than make us happy. I pray it will be a beautiful thing for the glory and purposes of God.

  • How is God using your oneness to serve Him?
  • How are you doing reaching your own “tribe?”
  • How can you grow in your walk with Him, so you are ready to glorify Him where you are?

If you write a post today to help us grow marriages to the glory of God, feel free to link up below. Just make sure it's about marriage and God's truth applied. I love to read what you share and to pass it on to others. Thanks for sharing!


  1. Even though I haven't met this couple I'm very much in love with them and their amazing testimony.  Thank you for sharing it.  So glad you're trip went well.
    Also, this Marriage Monday goes great with Daily Devotional Blog (  

  2. I'm "in love with them" too. :) It was SO very sweet to see them serving in their own setting, and it just grew my love and admiration for them all the more.

    Thanks for sharing the devo link!

    Julie Sanders

  3. Oh, they are, and spending a day in a village like the ones they came from gave me new reason to respect and rejoice in what God is doing in and through them. Their lives are great examples of what God can do with a yielded life.

    Julie Sanders


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