Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Retreat Resource List

Tara and Katrina serving at the resource table
I know ... this is usually Tasty Tuesday, but I'm going to do Tasty Tuesday on WEDNESDAY this week. ;) Tomorrow, you'll see why I did.  (Tonight is going to be great fun!)

Today, I want to share with you a list of the resources shared at our book table this past weekend at our retreat. As the speaking team, the Scripture Dig team recommended titles related to our theme of what it means to be "in the Family." We incorporated the journeys of 2 of my Dig teammates and how physical adoption has been woven into their lives, so you'll see titles related to how adoption fits with Christians. We also discovered what it is to be adopted into God's family through spiritual adoption, and we considered our part in a local church family. It was a rich time together!

Maybe you'll find a book to tuck into an Easter basket, set aside for vacation reading, or as a study with a friend over the summer.

Recommended Retreat Resources shared by Scripture Dig

Adopted for Life by Russell Moore ~ Recommended by Sandra Peoples

Friendship for Grown-Ups by Lisa Whelchel ~ Recommended by Teri Lynne Underwood

Experiencing God’s Love in the Church by Tom Blackaby ~ Recommended by Kathy Howard

In My Father’s House: Women relating to God as Father by Mary Kassian ~ Recommended by Kathy Howard

Unshaken: Ruth By Francine Rivers ~ Recommended by Kristi Stephens

The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Pocket Edition) ~ Recommended by Stephanie (Her favorite is the big one, but we made the pocket editions available at the retreat.)

The Adoption of Sons (CD) by Pastor Sam Polson of my local church family. – This is a sermon including the story of their family’s adoption story of their son. ~ Recommended by Julie Sanders (yours truly)

The Answers Book for Kids (Vol. 3) by Ken Ham with Cindy Malott ~ Recommended by Kristi Stephens

Reclaiming Adoption by Dan Cruver, editor ~ Recommended by Sandra Peoples

Unshakeable Faith by Kathy Howard ~ Recommended by Julie Sanders
Sharing a study by Kathy Howard.
What are you reading or studying now that you would add to our book table?  Go share your recommended title on the Come Have a Peace Facebook page this week, and Saturday I'll choose a name with Random.org to receive a combo pack of several recommended resources. In short .... GIVEAWAY! :) Just enter by sharing your comment on the Facebook page.


  1. I always love reading book lists. I recently read Friendship for Grown-Ups.

    I would add The Good News We Almost Forgot by Kevin DeYoung which is a book on the Heidelberg Catechism. It is short, easy to read chapters that are solid on theology, a great book for anyones library!

  2. That sounds like a great read. Thanks for sharing it as a resource!

    Julie Sanders www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com

  3. My sister-in-law gave me "Adopted for Life" as they were going through the adoption process. I still haven't picked it up though to read. Hopefully this will motivate me!

  4. Wonderful, Kayln. I hope you'll enjoy it.  It was suggested by Sandra Peoples.

    Julie Sanders www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com


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