Saturday, March 5, 2011

Roller Coaster sickness

Did you get to read yesterday's post about Roller Coaster Living? Almost as if to complete the illustration, last night was filled with stomach sickness!! 

We knew that the night before, our visiting missionary kids had come down with the virus. But as we sat down with our Romanian guests to the dinner I prepared last night, Jeff wobbled against the wall and told me he didn't feel well ... he didn't look well either. :/  When he only ate a piece of bread and excused himself apologetically, I knew we were in trouble.

Before I could set up the "First Aid Coaster Station,"  the phone rang, telling me another missionary was down.  The next fews hours ... okay, all night ... were rough. Imagine our surprise when we woke up early to be sure someone else was all set to cover leadership of the men's missions breakfast, only to find emails telling us another missionary man and another staff member had "gone down" in the night. A phone call came soon after, telling us another missionary lady had spent her night in the same way.

Sometimes roller coaster living takes a toll. There are hazards. But when we feel overwhelmed, it's good to go ahead and "get out the sickness," rest, let someone healthy care for you, and take small and consistent sips of something that restores life. 

Maybe there was a lot more to learn in that roller coaster project this week than I realized. And I appreciate your prayers for the sick here to be made well and for the well to stay well. You've been on the Coaster, and you know how it feels.

So glad the Lord is the One who holds my hand. How about you?


  1. Amen, sister (to the "Lord is the One who holds my hand!). I'm on my way to take care of my baby niece for my very sick sister. I will need the Lord to be VERY near today! ~Jenny C.

  2. And He will be, I know!

    Julie Sanders


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