Friday, March 25, 2011

How Fit is your heart?

How are you doing in thinking and being Fit 4Faith? I want to show you a new tool I'm trying, but first let's talk about "Heart health."

Heart health is so often an indicator of overall health, and it often forces us to make changes. Fitness as a follower of Jesus starts in our heart, our spiritual heart.  Did you notice what Paul said about the heart in yesterday's post?

Romans 6: 17
But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. (emphasis mine)
(*This is the verse for these final days of the Fit 4Faith focus)

Fit living starts in our heart ... not just our physical heart, but our spiritual heart.The part of us that yields to obedience.And Paul says we're obeying what we've been taught about God & His Word. We've been taught to honor Him with how we live, so now we need to do it.

If you need a new reminder chart, feel free to go to my Come Have a Peace Facebook page (click on the right hand column), and it's posted there this week. While you're there, I'd love it if you'd "like" it. ;)

We're in our last week of the 21 days that it takes to START a new habit, so let me share a tool I got for myself to help turn my thoughts to honoring the Lord physically.

I am NOT good about drinking enough water, and I know it. I just forget. I would almost always opt for coffee or Diet Dr. Pepper instead. I bought this 64 ounce glass jug at Wal-Mart this week, and I'm filling up each day and leaving it out on the center island in our kitchen as a reminder and invitation to myself. It helps me drink more, but it also reminds me to be thoughtful about what I consume, not just impulsive. I'll let you know how it works. So far .... I'm making a lot more trips to the bathroom. :)

Are you trying anything new? Remember, Fit-ness first starts in the HEART. 

Blessings to you, Fit blog friends, for a peaceful weekend including time to DRINK, READ, MOVE, and REST.


  1. You asked whether we were doing anything new, well, I have started using a small floor trampoline to bounce my way to fitness. I just use it during commercials. When I am finished I just roll it away or tuck it under a bed. My kids enjoy it too!

  2. It really helps me if I choose ideas like yours that are convenient and blend into my everyday routine. Good job!

    Julie Sanders


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