Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What they did for love

Nancy has been an internet blessing in my life. We've enjoyed long distance prayer and encouragement, though we never met in person. As I've heard her family story, I'm impressed about the influence one person can have in a family legacy. Nancy shared that, "Even though I grew up in a Christian home and experienced the love of my family, I did not know what having a family bond meant until I married into the Martinez family." When her father-in-law died, I was moved by their family expression of love to honor the man who had a lifetime of faithful influence.

When I asked Nancy what made his life one of impact, she said, "Definitely his faith in God, but also his transparency, humility sense of humor. He was an over-comer, his son's hero. His was a life changed by God! He gave his heart to the Lord when his oldest son (my husband) was about 5 years old. God spoke to his heart with conviction to repent as he watched his boys sleeping. He revealed to my father-in-law that if he did not turn back to God his boys would end up on the same path of sin. That was enough to convince him, and so he rededicated his life to the Lord fully and completely! Even though his trials were many, he persevered by the grace of God. This why he will always be remembered by his sons, daughters-in-law, grand-kids and great grand-kids as their hero.

While their father was still with them, the musical Martinez family wanted to make a CD in honor of J.Preston Martinez. Nancy said, "The CD project was started well before my father-in-law went to Heaven. The enemy kept putting obstacles in the way to hinder its completion (and we thought his passing was one more obstacle), but as God's word says in Genesis 50:20 (NIV) - "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." This is the family's prayer!

A few months ago as I was driving to work, this thought about naming the recording His Legacy just popped into my head - along with all the artwork for the cover! This was definitely from God because by nature I am not a very creative person :) Honoring my father-in-law's legacy through this CD has definitely helped our family through the grieving process.

My father-in-law's greatest desire was to minister in song with his sons. Ministry opportunities were very abundant when we lived in busy almost to the point of burn out, but about 6 years ago God began speaking to each of us individually about moving and extending the ministry to another state, and so, in 2007 our family began the exodus of moving from CA to TN. Little did we know that God was calling us to a desert experience. Just like the children of Israel we have learned and continue to learn about God's faithfulness & provision.

My father-in-law met Jesus face to face while in this desert experience. Now, as God leads us out of the desert and into His promise of a renewed vision of ministry, it seemed like a natural progression to honor my father-in-law's legacy through this CD. I am very thankful for this earthly family that is preparing me for an eternity with my Heavenly family!

Nancy Martinez lives in Watertown, TN with her husband Preston. They have three children - Heather & her husband Mike, Eric & Taylor and a 3 year old grandson, Gavin Porter. Believe it or not, they also have 4 cats - Bella, Yoda, Buster & Spencer and a coon hound (as y'all call it in TN) named Chance!  You can see more about the Martinez Family HERE and get a copy of the CD HERE.

What a beautiful way for a family to show their love for the influence of a godly father. I've enjoyed the CD Nancy sent to me, the sounds of a family celebrating God's grace and His legacy together.

Tomorrow, I want to celebrate something one of my Scripture Dig sisters did for love and give you an idea of something you can do wherever you live.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful way for Nancy and her family to honor her father-in-law! There's much to be said for children honoring their parents. Thanks for sharing this sweet story! God bless!


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