Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Things We Do For Love ...

It's good to have a holiday all about love, because it's so "us" to get all distracted and overwhelmed in life and realize we've stopped loving like we should. But love is SO much more than just Valentines Day, so in celebrating love, I want to take time this month to share and rejoice over "The Things We Do for Love."

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because is love."  1 John 4:7-8

This month we're reminded that it's time to stir up the best in us through expressions of love.  Hmmm ... sounds so much like being made in the image of God, doesn't it? The sounds of "The Things We Do for Love" may be very 1977, but the idea of doing extraordinary things is hardly a new idea.

Traci at Ordinary Inspirations is expressing her love by leading in a 14 Day Love Dare Challenge at her blog Ordinary Inspirations. It's a "thing she's doing for love!" 

Over at Scripture Dig this month, we are spending this month taking a closer look at basic truths about our faith.  We're answering the question, "So what?"  What difference do these truths make?!?!?!  Even this is out of love .... out of love for God's truth!

And how about love for those in crisis, in long term illness, grieving, alone, our children, our co-workers, our single friends, our leaders? I'm excited, because tomorrow I'll kick it off with an example of how one family is showing Christ's love to other families. It's going to be an encouraging, inspiring month, and I hope you'll join me. 

The verse that follows those I shared above says God made His love manifest for us.  He SHOWED us He loved us by sending His Son into the world as a man to die for us. It's a great pattern.  

It's the original "Valentines Recipe."  Got love?  Show love.  If you have a story to share about something YOU've done for love, email me!  I would love to hear about it and maybe even share it here on Come Have a Peace. It's going to be sweet to take a look at "The Things We Do for Love!"

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