Monday, February 7, 2011

Marriage Mondays ~ Couples in court

I hadn't been to court since career day in junior high school, when I shadowed a district court judge for a day and decided I wanted to be something with more colorful outfits, more time outside, and second chances ... so I became an elementary school teacher. :)

While I waited for my friend's case to be heard, I witnessed something I'd never heard before:  Divorce proceedings. Some of you just leaned your head back and muttered, "Oh, yeah. Been there before." Well, it was my first time. I expected people to be openly spiteful, but not a single person stuck out their tongue or stomped their feet (like they might in 1st grade ;). I think they were past that. What resonated with me was what the judge called the couple:  "the man ... and the woman." 

When we fall in love, just the mention of our lover's name brings joy and excitement, but somewhere along the way, these two lovers stopped being  who they were and became "the man ... and the woman."  I grieved for them. 

I'm rather old fashioned about taking your husband's name when you get married, but what's most important is that we know that when we marry, our identity really does change.

If a husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church, and people are the Church, then we know that "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things pass away. Behold, all things have become new." (2 Cor. 5:17Becoming the Bride of Christ means taking on a new identity. We are no longer who we were. We are a new creation.  When we marry, we become one, and we get a new name: "Wife.  Husband." 

Just as each member of the Bride of Christ is unique, each spouse in a marriage is unique. What makes your spouse uniquely who they are? For me, I smile when I think of all that makes "Jeff" who he is ... his habits, his personality, his gifts, his loves, his experiences, his thoughts.  I'm sure he's nothing like your man.  He is one-of-a-kind, and he's my man. He is so much more than "the man."  

Somewhere between falling in love, making the covenant of marriage, and sitting on opposite sides of the court room, that man and woman stopped enjoying what made them each unique in their new identity in marriage. Our marriages are stronger when we remember and enjoy what makes our partner who they are, so they don't become the generic "man" or "woman."  

Here are 2 ideas to help you remember what makes your guy who he is:
  • Take a blank piece of paper and write your spouse's name in the middle. Make a web with a circle for each of these categories: gifts, personality, loves, experiences, dreams, thoughts. In each circle write what makes him unique.  The example to the right is really tiny in blog form ;) so if you would me to email it to you, leave a comment with your email or email me directly, and I'll be glad to send it to you as a regular attachment.
  • Write your husband's full name (First, Middle, Last) vertically on the side of a page. Use it as an acrostic to think about qualities that make your man the wonderful creation God has made him. (Ex. J-Jesus Lover, E-Explorer, F-Friend, F-Faithful... )
  • These two exercises would also make really fun "homemade" Valentine cards. :)

Linked to Ann Voskamp's Practice of Marriage.


  1. Julie,

    Thank you for your post. Just last week my brother-in-law & sister-in-law finalized their divorce. My heart breaks for them. My prayers were that somehow their relationship would be reconciled and they would experience the incredible love & marriage my husband & I enjoy. Thank you for your faithfulness in helping others strive for a God centered marriage.

    Thank you also for the chart & idea for the Valentine's Card. I can't wait to sit down and make one for my husband. I think I may also do one for my kids.


  2. Julie, I would love a copy of the "web." Thanks for this - it's funny how things that make your spouse unique can sometimes drive you crazy! Nevertheless, I'm so thankful for my husband. Have a great day! Jenny C.

  3. Excellent observations! Divorce is a very painful thing. And not an easy solution to live out...

    My husband and I have both been married before and it is extremely important to us that we never go down that road again! I really love your diagram! What a wonderful way of looking at our husbands! I would love to get a copy of it, Julie!

    I also love the acrostic idea. I think I will make a Valentine's card for him using this!

    It warms my heart to be called wife...his wife! And my identity has changed a lot since we got married. So much healing of my heart has happened over the past couple of years as I have learned what it means to be in a godly and loving relationship...Marriage is so we both work on growing each day. I am in awe of the love that God has for us and the way my husband leans on God to lead him in our marriage and family. And God gives me the wisdom to know how to love my husband as God wants for me...and all the things that make him unique and special.

    Happy Monday Friend!!

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy

  4. I've been in a courtroom with a divorcing couple, and yes, it is very painful. People think it won't happen to them, just because they're a Christian. We definitely need to take the time to build up our marriages.

  5. Thank you for this post. My husband and I had a rough night last night and I think it is becuase we both said things without considering who the other person was and how they would react to what was being said. Thanks for the reminder.


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